spinous process

spinous process
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English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "spinous process" в других словарях:

  • spinous process — n SPINE (2) specif the median spinelike or platelike dorsal process of the neural arch of a vertebra * * * spina (def. 1) …   Medical dictionary

  • Spinous process — Bone: Spinous process A cervical vertebra. (Spinous process labeled at bottom.) …   Wikipedia

  • spinous process — noun : spine 3e: as a. : the median spinelike or platelike dorsal process of the neural arch of a vertebra : neural spine b. : a sharp posterior prolongation on each greater wing of the sphenoid bone c. : a process on the head of the t …   Useful english dictionary

  • Spinous process of a vertebra — Spinous Spi nous, a. 1. Spinose; thorny. [1913 Webster] 2. Having the form of a spine or thorn; spinelike. [1913 Webster] {Spinous process of a vertebra} (Anat.), the dorsal process of the neural arch of a vertebra; a neurapophysis. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spinous process — Anat., Zool. a spinelike process of a bone, esp. the dorsal projection from the center of the arch of a vertebra. [1725 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • spinous process of vertebra — processus spinosus vertebrae …   Medical dictionary

  • Spinous — Spi nous, a. 1. Spinose; thorny. [1913 Webster] 2. Having the form of a spine or thorn; spinelike. [1913 Webster] {Spinous process of a vertebra} (Anat.), the dorsal process of the neural arch of a vertebra; a neurapophysis. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Process (anatomy) — In anatomy, a process (Latin: processus ) is a projection or outgrowth of tissue from a larger body.ExamplesExamples of processes include: *the mastoid process *the xyphoid process *the acromion process *the spinous process extends from rearward… …   Wikipedia

  • Process — In anatomy, a process is a projection from a structure. The process of the mandible is the part of the lower jaw that projects forward. In a more general sense, a process is a series of actions or events that are part of a system or of a… …   Medical dictionary

  • spinous — Relating to, shaped like, or having a spine or spines. SYN: spinose. * * * spi·nous spī nəs adj slender and pointed like a spine * * * spi·nous (spiґnəs) [L. spinosus] 1. like a spine; acanthoid. 2. pertaining to a spine or to a spinelike… …   Medical dictionary

  • Mammillary process — Bone: Mammillary process A lumbar vertebra from above and behind. (Mammillar process labeled at center left.) Latin processus mammillaris Gray s …   Wikipedia

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